Different Wedding Ways to Make Your Moment Truly Your own
Whether you happen to be non-religious, or just want a wedding that definitely feels as you, many couples opt for different wedding guidelines to make
Cosa offre ed in che luogo
Whether you happen to be non-religious, or just want a wedding that definitely feels as you, many couples opt for different wedding guidelines to make
Apostoli di carità per missione.
C.F: 97013020835
Sede Legale: Via Contessa Eleonora c/o Parrocchia “Madonna della pace”, Messina (ME) 98125
Sede : Via Catania 101 c/o scuola ” L. Pirandello”, Messina (ME),98124
Email: messina@misericordie.org
Pec: messina@pec.misericordie.org
Telefono: +39 0902931797
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